Hi all.
does anyone have a script for an anti elevator?
I have searched and can’t find any, but I am willing to help you design one… It will be my pleasure, since you helped with my knife question.
thanks for the help). I found the script, but I couldn’t make it work. He’s with mod. I’ll post the script later
Here is the script
______ __ _____ _____
| ___ \ / || _ || _ |
| |_/ /_____ __`| || |/' || |_| |
| // _ \ \/ / | || /| |\____ |
| |\ \ __/> < _| |\ |_/ /.___/ /
\_| \_\___/_/\_\\___/\___/ \____/
//Version 1.4
level.elev_threshold = 3; //Threshold to detect the elevator: this should be at the sweet spot but adjust this if someone gets a false detect: >3 = more difficulty to detect the elevator but less false detects (if probably none), <3 = less difficulty to detect the elevator but more false detects.
level.elev_detect_mode = 0; //What to do when an elevator is detected: 0 = Kill, 1 = Kick
thread onPlayerSpawn();
self endon("disconnect");
level waittill("player_spawn", player);
player thread watchForElevator();
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
self.detection = 0;
self.prevpos = 0;
self.elev_force_ignore = false; //This could be useful for scripting, if anything on the map trips the anti elevator you can set this to true to force ignore the elevator check then back to false to re-enable it
wait 0.01;
self.vel = self getVelocity();
self.pos = self getOrigin();
if (!self.elev_force_ignore && self.vel[2] == 0 && !self isOnGround() && !self isOnLadder() && (self.prevpos > int(self.pos[2])+level.elev_threshold || self.prevpos < int(self.pos[2])-level.elev_threshold) )
if(self.detection > 2)
if(level.elev_detect_mode == 0)
iPrintLn(self.name + " ^1has been killed for elevating");
self iPrintLnBold("^1You have been killed for elevating!");
self suicide();
if(level.elev_detect_mode == 1)
iPrintLn(self.name + " ^1has been kicked for elevating");
self setClientDvar( "ui_dr_info", "^1Warning" );
self setClientDvar( "ui_dr_info2", "You have been kicked for elevating!" );
self braxi\_common::clientCmd( "disconnect" );
self.detection ++;
self.detection = 0;
self.prevpos = int(self.pos[2]);
this caused an error -
self braxi\_common::clientCmd( "disconnect" );
installing the _common - braxi script
did not help
already helped, thanks