With this nifty little plugin you’ll be able to alter gamespeed and gravity for
a short period of time and thus make your playercrowd goof around for a few.
!ffjump - Low Gravity
!ffspeedup - High Gamespeed
!ffberserk - High Gamespeed and Low Gravity
!ffreset - Stop effect early, all effects are timed so you wont need this much
Each command can be leveled in the config file.
Unzip the contents of this package into your B3 folder. It will
place the .py file in b3/extplugins and the config file .xml in
your b3/extplugins/conf folder. -
Open the .xml file with your favorit editor and modify the
levels if you want them different. Do not edit the command-names
for they will not function under a different name. -
Open your B3.xml file (in b3/conf) and add the next line in the
<plugins> section of the file:
<plugin name="funnyfarm" priority="12" config="@b3/extplugins/conf/funnyfarm.xml"/>
The numer 12 in this just an example. Make sure it fits your
plugin list.
funnyfarm.rar (5.2 KB)