Bots espertador

hello, I have a problem with bots.

they stay as a spectator

you know what i’m doing wrong

please help

Do all the bots stay as spectators?
How many Bots are you adding?
How many player slots do you have?
Are you running TDM?

¿Todos los bots se quedan como espectadores? es relativo
¿Cuántos Bots estás agregando? 6
¿Cuántas ranuras de jugador tienes? 14
¿Está ejecutando TDM? que es tdm??

set bots_main 1
//Enable this mod.

set bots_main_waitForHostTime 0
//Cuántos segundos hay que esperar a que el jugador anfitrión se conecte antes de añadir bots a la partida.

//set bots_main_menu 0
//Activar el menú del juego para anfitriones.

//set bots_main_debug 0
//Activar el editor de waypoints del juego.

set bots_main_kickBotsAtEnd 0
//Patear a los robots al final de un partido.

set bots_main_chat “0”
// La velocidad a la que los bots chatean, se establece en 0 para desactivar.

//set bots_manage_add “0”
//cantidad de bots a añadir al juego, se pone a 0 una vez añadidos los bots

set bots_manage_fill “6”
//cantidad de jugadores/bots (depende de bots_manage_fill_mode) a retener en el servidor, automáticamente añadirá bots para llenar el espacio de los jugadores.

set bots_manage_fill_mode “1”
//indica si el servidor debe considerar sólo bots o jugadores y bots al llenar el espacio de jugadores. 0 considerará tanto jugadores como bots. 1 sólo tendrá en cuenta a los bots.

set bots_manage_fill_kick “1”
//si el servidor debe o no expulsar bots si la cantidad de jugadores/bots (depende de bots_manage_fill_mode) excede el valor de bots_manage_fill.

set bots_manage_fill_spec “0”
//si el servidor debe o no tener en cuenta a los jugadores que están en el equipo espectador a la hora de llenar el espacio de jugadores.

set bots_team “custom”
//indica a qué equipo deben unirse los robots autoasignar aliados eje personalizado

set bots_team_amount “3”
//cantidad de bots a tener en el equipo del eje si bots_team se establece en ‘custom’, el resto de bots se colocarán en el equipo de los aliados.

set bots_team_force “1”
//¿aplicar? periódicamente el equipo de bots en lugar de un solo equipo cuando el bot se añade al juego.

set bots_team_mode “0”
// considerar sólo bots o jugadores y bots a la hora de contar jugadores en los equipos. 0 tendrá en cuenta tanto a los jugadores como a los bots. 1 sólo tendrá en cuenta a los bots.

set bots_skill “3”
//valor para indicar la dificultad de los b?ots.0 ser? dificultad mixta? 1 será el más fácil 2-6 estará entre el más fácil y el más difícil 7 será el más difícil? 8 será personalizado.

set bots_skill_axis_hard “2”
//- una cantidad entera de robots duros en el equipo del eje.

set bots_skill_axis_med “1”
//- una cantidad entera de robots medios en el equipo del eje.

set bots_skill_allies_hard “2”
//-una cantidad entera de bots duros en el equipo aliado.

set bots_skill_allies_med “1”

please how do you install bots for cod4x

Have you downloaded the file?
If not download from here: [CoD4x] Bot Warfare v2.1.0 LATEST file - Mod DB

Follow the directions in the readme file.

Any probs just ask

the problem is i dont know how to setup a server and the readme isnt really explaining it step by step

i have the file already
where and how do i now put it in the server folder.pls if you coould use pictures to explain pls do

I am on my phone so can’t do pictures. Are you creating your own dedicated server?

Here are instructions:

Locate your CoD4x server install folder.
Move the files/folders found in ‘Add to root of CoD4x server’ from the Bot Warfare release archive you downloaded to the root of your CoD4x server folder.

So in your CoD4x server folder you should have a file structure of \main_shared\maps\mp\bots
With the botwarfare files.

You would be best placing the botwarfare dvars in your server config file to get the bots to work

// Bot Warfare DVAR's
set bots_main 1
//Enable this mod.

set bots_main_firstIsHost 0
//The first player to connect will be given host.

set bots_main_GUIDs ""
//A comma separated list of GUIDs of players who will be given host.

set bots_main_waitForHostTime 0
//How many seconds to wait for the host player to connect before adding bots to the match.

set bots_main_menu 0
//Enable the in-game menu for hosts.

set bots_main_debug 0
//Enable the in-game waypoint editor.

set bots_main_kickBotsAtEnd 0
//Kick the bots at the end of a match.

set bots_main_chat 0
//	The rate bots will chat at, set to 0 to disable.

set bots_manage_add "8"
//amount of bots to add to the game, resets to 0 once the bots have been added

set bots_manage_fill "8"
//amount of players/bots (depends on bots_manage_fill_mode) to retain on the server, it will automatically add bots to fill player space.

set bots_manage_fill_mode "1"
// indicate if the server should consider only bots or players and bots when filling player space. 0 will consider both players and bots. 1 will only consider bots.

set bots_manage_fill_kick "0"
//whether or not if the server should kick bots if the amount of players/bots (depends on bots_manage_fill_mode) exceeds the value of bots_manage_fill.

set bots_manage_fill_spec "0"
//whether or not if the server should consider players who are on the spectator team when filling player space.

set bots_team "autoassign"
//indicates what team the bots should join autoassign allies axis custom

set bots_team_amount "8"
//amount of bots to have on the axis team if bots_team is set to 'custom', the rest of the bots will be placed on the allies team.

set bots_team_force "0"
//enforce periodically the bot's team instead of just a single team when the bot is added to the game.

set bots_team_mode "1"
// consider only bots or players and bots when counting players on the teams. 0 will consider both players and bots. 1 will only consider bots.

set bots_skill "2"
//value to indicate how difficult the bots should be.0 will be mixed difficultly 1 will be the most easy 2-6 will be in between most easy and most hard 7 will be the most hard. 8 will be custom.

set bots_skill_axis_hard "0"
//- an integer amount of hard bots on the axis team.

set bots_skill_axis_med "0"
//- an integer amount of medium bots on the axis team.

set bots_skill_allies_hard "0"
//- an integer amount of hard bots on the allies team.

set bots_skill_allies_med "0"
//- an integer amount of medium bots on the allies team, if bots_skill is 8 (custom). The remaining bots on the team will become easy bots.

set bots_skill_min 1
//The minimum difficulty level for the bots

set bots_skill_max	1
//The maximum difficulty level for the bots.

//for example: having 5 bots on the allies team, 'bots_skill_allies_hard 2' and 'bots_skill_allies_med 2' will have 2 hard bots, 2 medium bots, and 1 easy bot on the allies team

set bots_loadout_reasonable "1"
//whether or not if the bots should filter out bad create a class selections (like no silenced miniuzi with overkill perk, etc)

set bots_loadout_allow_op "0"
//whether or not if the bots are allowed to use jug, marty and laststand

set bots_loadout_rank 50
// what rank the bots should be around, -1 is around the players, 0 is all random

set bots_loadout_prestige 5
// what pretige the bots will be, -1 is the players, -2 is random

set bots_play_move 1
//bots move

set bots_play_knife 1
//bots knife

set bots_play_fire 1
//bots fire

set bots_play_nade 1
//bots grenade

set bots_play_obj 1
//bots play the obj

set bots_play_camp 1
//bots camp and follow

set bots_play_jumpdrop 1
//bots jump and dropshot

set bots_play_target_other 1
//bot target non play ents (vehicles)

set bots_play_killstreak 1
//bot use killstreaks

set bots_play_ads 1
//bot aim down sights

set bots_play_aim 1
//If the bots can aim.

i have copied the files from the bot warfare mod to the server folder .what do i do next and what folder is the server config in

the problem is i dont know how to setup a server and the readme isnt really explaining it step by step

I thought it was just botwarfare you wanted to know how to set up. Now it turns into you have no clue how to setup a server at all. For a beginner it gets complicated as you need to go into your router and setup port forward. Off your message contents it might be a bit tricky for you to accomplish.

Best just sticking to playing on other servers

pls just help .
il understand if u explain

i now know how to use and setup bot warfare but is there a way i can use promod vision in my lan server and also how can i play with friends and bots. what ip should i use