Cyrillic in English localization - "Impure client detected". How to fix?

Good afternoon!
I have an English localization of the game. Previously, I used the chat mod with russian font to understand Russian-speaking players who write in Cyrillic. Now I can’t use this because the “Impure client detected” (can’t upload screenshots). Is there any way to Russify the chat? Do not offer the installation of the Russian version of the game - there fonts and voice acting are shit.

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Just play with eng chat. Why do you to suffer with a ru chat?

Well, let’s wait for a proper answer.

However a meaningless topic

Stop flood, if you have no answer, plz.

You can ignore the warning and play good servers that have sv_pure set to 0 anyway

And again this is not a solution, but an attempt to get around the problem. As a result, for example, out of ten servers, at best, only one is available to me.

There is no solution for what you want in the way you want. That is the answer. Its not a good or welcome one, but there it is.

Solved. I will use “logfile 2”, and delete unnecessary lines using a macro in notepad++.
Thanks everyone, close the thread.