Getting Leetmod to work with Cod4x

Recently started hosting my own server and have everything working great, except create a class.

My server is using Botwarfare and the New Experience, however I am looking for a way to use ‘create a class’ during the game or at least if the player leaves the server being able to use it there.

Currently, the option appears greyed out, and no matter what, I can’t seem to find any way of enabling it.

Leetmod appears to have everything I want to include, but can’t figure out how to get it to run with these mods on Cod4x, Does anyone know how to get this to work or an alternative?

I made for myself a version of leetmod that work with Botwarfare.

If it can help it’s here GitHub - Elementtair/Leetmod: A Call of Duty 4 mod by nostalgicamigo based on OpenWarfare

Thanks, that will be a massive help.

I setup a fresh install to test these, however I seem to be getting stuck on “Loaded fastfile ‘cod4x_patchv2’” in the console and doesn’t progress.

I have moved ‘leetmod-master’ to the Mods folder and the config to main to be exec, is there any steps I am missing?

If i remember correctly, you just have to take the leetmod.iwd and mod.ff and put that in a mod folder with a config file like leetmod.cfg.

Thank you, that has solved it.
I added too many files, and it caused crashing.