I have created a server, token is registered, port is open but i can't connect to my server

I have created a server, token is registered, port is open but i can’t connect to my server. it is also not showing on the gametracking website is there anyone who can help me please

Well if your port is open then there should be no problem.
I would check that you have not mistyped the port either in your router or your command line for starters

No I have checked everything is right

it shows

Masterserver needs token to complete registration
Masterserver needs token to complete registration
Sending master heartbeat from to
Sending master heartbeat from to
Server is registered on the masterserver
Server is registered on the masterserver

And The Port Is Also Open But My Server Does not Show up On Server List Or do not Connect when i try to connect using public ip and port

if your command line has set net_ip as your public IP address then change it to your local IP and try again

It is on Local IP Address Like This

Can You Kindly Come On Anydesk And Kindly Check What are the Issues?

Local router IP addresses usually look like 192.168…

I have created my server on VM (Virtual Machine) thats why the Ip is

Ah ok then someone who has experience with VM needs to chip in

Its the same as Simple PC just the PC is in a different country.

That setup can be very problematic if you aren’t familiar with VMs. I recommend setting up a VPS for a server.

I’m not very versed with VMs, but have some experience. What it seems here is the host system is not accepting connections through to the VM. You need to have the VM take control of the network adapter…on a normal setup, the host system will allow whatever ports you open through to the host and then the host broadcasts it… you need to have the VM use the network adapter to do it. Get the internet IP address on the VM and set it to net_port., that 10.0.XX is the LAN address.