I have downloaded the Cod4MW Disc Image file but can't find the server

I have downloaded the disc image file where all setup is present but after installing I saw 7 to 8 server and I played one but then I stop playing because of work now I can’t find the server and even I add connect command server with IP address its saying update backend is unavailable and you have to update this manually


are u telling me to post this or asking me?

click on “Dont know how to install”… its a link with how to do it

I posted just the link but the forum changed it

now edited my post to show just the link

but sir i cant change the disc file i cant add anything

Have you installed cod4?

yup installed and running

cant i upload a photo in comment

well if it is installed then I dont understand why you can’t extract the zip file into your cod4 installation directory

its telling me
there is not enough space on cod4mw. you need an additional 8.30Mb to copy these files

then you have not enough free space on your hard drive

do a screenshot of your cod4 installation directory and post it

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i tried to install again and now server are showing but mostly server whenever I enter in the game its saying unlocalized[autherror]?

Maybe you have a dodgy pirated copy

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yup i also thinking that is the main reason

Now i installed again cod4mw now whenever I enter in any server its saying add the key code in a multiplayer option

Do you have a cdkey (key code)?
If so go into settings then multiplayer and click on change key code

If you haven’t got a key code or this doesn’t work then all I can suggest is buy it and don’t rely on pirate version as they can have edited files for malware / viruses and as you are finding they generally don’t work

Thanks sir it really helped me