Hello everyone I hope you can help me.
Do you know of any programs that can take photos in spectator mode and when you see them they show the enemy in a normal way or in red? If it comes out with the enemies in red, it would indicate that the player is using some type of hack.
I know something like this exists but I don’t know the name of the program
thanks for your help
@MAD_DAD Hello friend, do you know of something like this that can be used?
/rcon getss <player>
Screenshot will be in “server_root\screenshots”
Note: Some cheats can hide itself from the screenshots…good old fashion admin work is needed for those.
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Here is a gsx code to take a screenshot of each player 16 seconds after joining and spawning in game… you can change the wait command to suit your needs:
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include common_scripts\utility;
level onPlayerConnecting();
self endon("intermission");
self waittill("connected", player);
player thread onPlayerConnected();
self endon("intermission");
self endon("disconnect");
self thread onPlayerSpawn();
// stops the bots from getting screenshots taken which results in error message in console
self waittill("spawned_player");
self endon("disconnect");
guid = self getGuid();
if ( guid == "0" )
self thread screenShots();
self endon("disconnect");
wait 16;
guid = self getGuid();
exec("getss "+ guid);
please note that when you use the getss function the player that a screenshot is requested from will get a few seconds of lag whilst the command is carried out on them.
If you want to stop screenshot request for certain trusted players then change the screenShots() section as below:
self endon("disconnect");
wait 16;
guid = self getGuid();
if ( guid == "23103466xxxxx" || guid == "23103466164xxxxxxxx" || guid == "23103466xxxxxx" || guid == "23103466xxxxxxx" || guid == "23103466xxxxxxx" )
exec("getss "+ guid);
change 23103466xxxxx to guid of actual player
The guids that I will enter, are the ones that I don’t want to have photos taken, oh the guids that I enter, is it for photos to be taken?
The guids that I will enter, are the ones that I don’t want to have photos taken, oh the guids that I enter, is it for photos to be taken?
are the ones that I don’t want to have photos taken
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