My server shows up in masterserver but ip shows in red color while others show in green

DM me with a screenshot of the page you have within the router that you edited in VS

I can’t dm you cause it says you don’t accept messages from anyone.

Sorry forgot about that, you can do it now

you didn’t reply to my msg.

me? I replied above

“Sorry forgot about that, you can do it now”

I’m talking about the screen shot you asked me. it was set up like that it still not working. What is wrong?

Yes i asked you to do a screenshot from within your router showing the port forward
You responded with "I can’t dm you cause it says you don’t accept messages from anyone."
I said “Sorry forgot about that, you can do it now” as I amended the privacy settings

So I am still waiting for the screenshot.
I can’t assist without checking that your port forward has been done right
and DON’T use 28960 for your server.

What are u talking about? already sent you my screenshot on june 5. now i sent it to you again today. check your inbox.

Nope, no messages from you now or ever in my inbox

I’m talking about personal chat. look personal chat inbox.

Yep got them now in my inbox. Seems to be ok but have you made sure that cod4x18_dedrun.exe is allowed through the firewall. ticked the public?

Yes in both inbound and outbound rules and also all profiles public privated and domain are ticked in everyone of them. still not working. please help.

Is there anyway of not using the Virtual Server and just do a straight forward port forward?
Seems to me it’s the VS what could be causing the issue

I don’t host mine through VS and it works great.

To the community: Is there anyone on here that uses VS that can lend a hand?