Revive system

how to install in my mod revive system when a player dies and teammembers can rivieve him help please… what is the script

What do you mean about the rs mode that throws a player card to revive? or the KC one that is similar? can only be used in game mods

Don’t think there is a single script like that out there, you’d have to find one in a custom gamemode and pull it from there.

yah i need when the player dies it pop ups to revive to other player in the team

MOD Here Is A Promod With The Added Revive Friends Mode It Would Be R&S Game Mod, If you are wanting to do this without modes you need a little programming knowledge and rewrite it for hardcore instead I would use perk pack icons like in old game mode school with floating weapons, use that effect in advantage packs and you will get a pretty decent resemblance without mods, greetings and I hope it helps you!