How is it that some servers that play round based games SD, SR etc can display real time round information in their name? “CoD4Server | KillALL| Round 6/15” for example
Is there some script or something to do this? I notice a lot on Promod servers so is it a promod thing only?
Would like to do that also if possible with OW based MoD.
Will have a look in Promod too and see if I can see anything. It is also showing on RoTu servers so thinking must be something like you have described. Thank you.
If you find out anymore let me know and I will likewise.
// Use dynamic hostname (1) or sv_hostname above (0)
set game_changing_hostname 1
// Time in seconds between updates of the dynamic hostname, disabled if game_changing_hostname is 0
set game_changing_hostname_time 2
// Server Hostname when game_changing_hostname is 1
// PIHN_VERSIONFULL - Version (incl. "RotU-Revolution")
// PIHN_VERSIONSHORT - Version number only
// PIHN_PLAYERS - Amount of Players
// PIHN_SOLDIERS - Amount of Soldiers
// PIHN_ASSASSINS - Amount of Assassins
// PIHN_ARMOREDS - Amount of Armoreds
// PIHN_ENGINEERS - Amount of Engineers
// PIHN_SCOUTS - Amount of Scouts
// PIHN_MEDICS - Amount of Medics
// PIHN_ALIVEPLAYERS - Players alive
// PIHN_DOWNEDPLAYERS - Players down
// PIHN_MAXPLAYERS - Slots (without bots)
// PIHN_ZOMBIESALIVE - Zombies alive
// PIHN_WAVENUMBER - Wave Number
// PIHN_WAVENAME - Name of wave
// PIHN_WAVESIZE - Size of current wave
// PIHN_WAVEKILLED - Amount of killed zombies in the current wave
// PIHN_WAVELEFT - Amount of zombies left to end the wave
// PIHN_BESTPLAYER - Best Player Name (Score)
// PIHN_MOSTKILLSPLAYER - Most Kills Player name
well normally in sd you play knife round so it counts as round 0 but if you want to start on round 1 so much just set this +1 code and it should work without any problem