Setting up for Steam Deck?

Trying to get Cod4x to work on Steam Deck. I can see all servers, but can’t join them. Having issues running the .bat setup file for it to install client side. I can see servers but can’t join them, making me think the .bat is not applying despite getting it to run though Proton. Can I manually install it somehow by dragging files over?

I don’t see the version change on the bottom right of the game either. Anyone get this to install on Steam Deck? Thanks

Well after looking at the .bat file, it looks like the script tries to add files to localappdata, which is a Windows Directory. Don’t think that really exists on Linux. Is there something equivalent to that? I suppose I could try to just manually do what the script is trying to do. Just an issue with those directories. Appreciate any tips, especially if CoD4x dev could be involved. Thanks!

Ok found out more to this, want to share. From searching into this, seems like no one has found a solution yet.

So I do believe the “setup.bat” actually works, well it does what it’s supposed to do but still doesn’t work it seems.

I was able to run the .bat file through Desktop mode, adding the file as a non-steam game, and applying compatability layer Proton on it.

To verify it, some files need to be sent to %localappdata%, or the Linux equivalent being:

/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/[generated id]/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData

So I was able to find those files there. Yet it seems it doesn’t work despite it being replaced.

After this, joining the game still shows the old 1.7 version. When attempting to join a server I get the following error.

Not sure if the version is actually changing or populating. Curious if anyone can chime in. Thank you

Does this help?

I know you can install the client through the setup.bat, but is this true?

  1. To play on a CoD4x 1.8+ enabled server, each player is required to use the CoD4x client. The client can be installed in various ways. Typically, you just run the non Cod4x 1.8 client via wine and connect to any CoD4x 1.8+ server and you will be asked to install the client.

I figured it out. I joined the Discord and added it in cod4x-support. Hoping some admin reads it so the steps can be added in the faq. Future steam deck owners would benefit to get cod4x working on it using steam. Thanks!

Hi Cevap. Thanks for all your work getting this game to run on SD! I would like to ask you a few questions about an issue I ran into recently. I sent a friend request on Discord, if you wouldn’t mind chatting…