This is a simple server side script to sniper servers works with all game modes SC or HC doesn’t matter and it can be edited as you like and added to any pre-existing scripts/iwd7 you have.
self waittill("weapon_change", weapon); /// wait until player changes weapon to prevent class changing when they first spawn.
self TakeAllWeapons(); /// clear player weapons
self ClearPerks(); /// clear all player perks
self SetPerk("specialty_extraammo"); /// give the player Bandolier perk
self SetPerk("specialty_bulletdamage"); /// give the player Stopping Power perk
self SetPerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy"); /// give the player Steady Aim perk
self GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp"); /// give the player M40A3 Sniper
self GiveWeapon( "remington700_mp" ); /// give the player R700 Sniper
self GiveMaxAmmo("m40a3_mp"); /// give the player max ammo for M40A3
self GiveMaxAmmo( "remington700_mp" ); /// give the player max ammo for R700
setDvar("aim_automelee_enabled", 0); /// Disable Knife
setDvar("player_meleeRange", 0); /// Disable Knife
wait 0.05;
You don’t like the perks?
Change them, here’s the names for all the perks you need.
You can also remove 1 or 2 perks or remove all of them!
To remove sway (make the snipers always steady like promod) add these :
setDvar( "player_breath_gasp_lerp", "0.001" );
setDvar( "player_breath_gasp_time", "0.001" );
setDvar( "player_breath_gasp_scale", "0.001" );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_drawBreathHint", "0" ); /// to remove the hold shift hint
so it look like this :
self waittill("weapon_change", weapon); /// wait until player changes weapon to prevent class changing when they first spawn.
self TakeAllWeapons(); /// clear player weapons
self ClearPerks(); /// clear all player perks
self SetPerk("specialty_extraammo"); /// give the player Bandolier perk
self SetPerk("specialty_bulletdamage"); /// give the player Stopping Power perk
self SetPerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy"); /// give the player Steady Aim perk
self GiveWeapon("m40a3_mp"); /// give the player M40A3 Sniper
self GiveWeapon( "remington700_mp" ); /// give the player R700 Sniper
self GiveMaxAmmo("m40a3_mp"); /// give the player max ammo for M40A3
self GiveMaxAmmo( "remington700_mp" ); /// give the player max ammo for R700
setDvar("aim_automelee_enabled", 0); /// Disable Knife
setDvar("player_meleeRange", 0); /// Disable Knife
setDvar( "player_breath_gasp_lerp", "0.001" );
setDvar( "player_breath_gasp_time", "0.001" );
setDvar( "player_breath_gasp_scale", "0.001" );
wait 0.05;
Ok, now how do you use this and where?
Go to maps/mp/gametypes/_weapons.gsc (or .gsx depends on 1.7a or 1.8x … iwd or main_shared)
Find onPlayerSpawned() and thread it there
It will look something like this:
self endon("disconnect");
self waittill("spawned_player");
self.concussionEndTime = 0;
self.hasDoneCombat = false;
self thread watchWeaponUsage();
self thread watchGrenadeUsage();
self thread watchWeaponChange();
self.droppedDeathWeapon = undefined;
self.tookWeaponFrom = [];
self thread updateStowedWeapon();
self thread sniper();
Now scroll to the end of the file and copy paste the code > save
Credits to Dann