Bot warefare - custommaps

it doesn’t matter what you call your mods folder as long as it matches your fs_game entry.

Your waypoint folder should be in your mod folder.


mad_dad. I was testing with placing a single custom map and what I found was this error, so to speak.

when in my original configuration it is


and I checked the custom command line and I found this

Then what I did was delete that command line and thus I was able to take my map rotation.


because I tell you all this. I just wanted to load a custom map. but I never got it to take my map rotation and it always took me a rotation that I don’t know where it takes it from.

@MAD_DAD and @Sh3llK0de
I can bother you with a very big favor.
You could enter my server and just have me shoot everything you have at the ground so you can see my mistake. that one kills an enemy no matter where he is.

What I just did was a total format and unfortunately I realized that this error continues.

It’s not that you have to shoot everything at one particular point. It’s shooting at the ground but like you’re looking for something and you end up yes oh yes by killing an enemy.

while I was alone with the bots, I didn’t get that error. But as soon as a player entered, I shot the ground and killed the player.

Ah, sorry, if you can come in. my server ip is

The other thing I thought was that it was some damaged file from a new experience. and carry out a previous charge to rule out possible failures. but there was no solution to the problem

In your config file make sure map_rotate is after the sv_mapRotation command

I don’t have the map_rotate in my server command line

I always thought +exec BotServer.cfg should be the last thing on the command line
and that your rcon_password and fs_game should be before it

Been on your server and shot at the floor when another player was in and it didn’t do anything.
I see you have the New Experience killcam on, I find this to be buggy when playing with bots so I disabled it in my servers.

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I really don’t know how to thank you for the help you give me. I am truly very grateful.

I will take your recommendation and deactivate the killcam.

I don’t know what time you entered but it was after midnight.
@Sh3llK0de detected that the simplebanlist plugin was causing problems. So it was deactivated, restarted and the problem no longer appeared. but before that @Sh3llK0de could see that the problem did exist.
He gave me a file but it is for Linux and this server is for Windows.
So is there a possibility that the simplebanlist plugin was installed incorrectly?

Can’t see how but maybe the file got corrupted

Hello, which map is that? Do you have the download link? Thanks!

Hello, this is a super well-made map of the favelas of Brazil. It’s super good and if you want I’ll give you the map. I have it. tell me where I send it to you
and the bots move very well around the map

@MAD_DAD and @Sh3llK0de

Hello friends, after carrying out several tests and looking for possible errors, I decided to delete the CFG that was loading and load a CFG that I had backed up from a previous server and the problem disappeared. It is worth saying that it was not the simplebanlist plugin. because I loaded it again and the error did not appear.
In order not to be left with doubt, today I made the comparison of which were the orders that were loaded and which were not. and these are the ones that were loaded in the CFG that gave me problems with ground shots.

I leave them to you in case you can look at them and if you can tell me which one could have generated that error.

set website “”

set credit_text “gracias”

set remove_turrets “0” // Removes stationary MGs from the maps

set sv_masterservers “”

//sets _Irc “”

set welcome “1” // Enable welcome message on player connection - if GeoIP data is available it will also include players country ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )

set g_motd “Bienvenido a mi servidor” // Message of the day, which getting shown to every player on his 1st spawn
set dedicated “1” // 0 = Listen, 1 = LAN, 2 = Internet ( you probably want 2 )
set rcon_password “” // password for remote access, leave empty to deactivate, min 8 characters

set sv_statusfile “serverstatus.xml” // escribe un servertatus xml en el disco, dejar vacío para desactivar (serverstatus.xml)

set sv_connectTimeout 120 // Segundos de espera para un cliente que está cargando un mapa sin un nuevo mensaje de cliente

set sv_punkbuster “0” //Punkbuster, PB is not supported on CoD4x

set ModStats 1 // 1 = utilizar el archivo de estadísticas del jugador para mods (normal behaviours), 0 = utilizar el archivo de estadísticas del jugador del juego base(DANGEROUS!!! ya que puede sobrescribir tus estadísticas)

set scr_drawfriend “1” //mostrar compañeros de equipo //0 = off, 1 = on
set scr_enable_scoretext “1” //hit-message //0 = no, 1 = yes
set scr_game_allowkillcam “0” //Killcam //0 = no, 1 = yes // Allow to play killcam after you got killed

set scr_game_matchstarttime “10” //tiempo hasta el comienzo del partido
set scr_game_playerwaittime “5” //respawn-delay
set scr_player_forcerespawn “1” //force respawn //0 = no, 1 = yes // forgot what -1 did but i believe it was different xD
set scr_player_healthregentime “5” //regeneración de la salud (in seconds)

set scr_teamKillPunishCount “3” //Teamkiller kick after x Teamkills
set scr_team_teamkillspawndelay “1” //teamkill spawn delay (in seconds)

set scr_enable_hiticon “1” //Hit-Symbol //0 = off, 1 = on

//set g_deadChat “1” // los muertos pueden chatear // 0 = off, 1 = on

set scr_oldschool “0” //Oldschool Mode //0 = off, 1 = on

//set sv_autodemorecord 0 // Records demos of players on the serverside, demos are stored in “demos” folder
//set sv_demoCompletedCmd “” // program to execute when a demo has been saved
//set sv_screenshotArrivedCmd “” // programa a ejecutar cuando se toma una captura de pantalla
//set sv_legacyguidmode 0 // 1 = old 32 character guids are used, 0 = new cod4x guid format is used ( like steamids )
set sv_nosteamnames 1 // 1 = Utilizar nombres de vapor si hay vapor disponible
seta sv_contellname “Server”
seta sv_consayname "Server: "

Well now it makes sense why everything is out of whack… Your quotation marks aren’t proper characters. Replace with this:

set website ""
set credit_text "Gracias"
set remove_turrets "0" // Removes stationary MGs from the maps
set welcome "1" // Enable welcome message on player connection - if GeoIP data is available it will also include players country ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )
set g_motd "Bienvenido a mi servidor" // Message of the day, which getting shown to every player on his 1st spawn
set dedicated "1" // 0 = Listen, 1 = LAN, 2 = Internet ( you probably want 2 )
set sv_statusfile "serverstatus.xml" // escribe un servertatus xml en el disco, dejar vacío para desactivar (serverstatus.xml)
set sv_connectTimeout "120" // Segundos de espera para un cliente que está cargando un mapa sin un nuevo mensaje de cliente
set sv_punkbuster "0" //Punkbuster, PB is not supported on CoD4x
set ModStats "1" // 1 = utilizar el archivo de estadísticas del jugador para mods (normal behaviours), 0 = utilizar el archivo de estadísticas del jugador del juego base(DANGEROUS!!! ya que puede sobrescribir tus estadísticas)

set scr_drawfriend "1" //mostrar compañeros de equipo //0 = off, 1 = on
set scr_enable_scoretext "1" //hit-message //0 = no, 1 = yes
set scr_game_allowkillcam "0" //Killcam //0 = no, 1 = yes // Allow to play killcam after you got killed

set scr_game_matchstarttime "10" //tiempo hasta el comienzo del partido
set scr_game_playerwaittime "5" //respawn-delay
set scr_player_forcerespawn "1" //force respawn //0 = no, 1 = yes // forgot what -1 did but i believe it was different xD
set scr_player_healthregentime "5" //regeneración de la salud (in seconds)

set scr_teamKillPunishCount "3" //Teamkiller kick after x Teamkills
set scr_team_teamkillspawndelay "1" //teamkill spawn delay (in seconds)

set scr_enable_hiticon "1" //Hit-Symbol //0 = off, 1 = on

//set g_deadChat "1" // los muertos pueden chatear // 0 = off, 1 = on

set scr_oldschool "0" //Oldschool Mode //0 = off, 1 = on

//set sv_autodemorecord "0" // Records demos of players on the serverside, demos are stored in "demos" folder
//set sv_demoCompletedCmd "" // program to execute when a demo has been saved
//set sv_screenshotArrivedCmd "" // programa a ejecutar cuando se toma una captura de pantalla
//set sv_legacyguidmode "0" // 1 = old 32 character guids are used, 0 = new cod4x guid format is used ( like steamids )

set sv_nosteamnames "1" // 1 = Utilizar nombres de vapor si hay vapor disponible
seta sv_contellname "Server"
seta sv_consayname "Server: "

Back up your config, copy this into a new config and use this instead.

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I don’t think they are like that in his config. When you copy and paste without using code box the forum changes the quotation marks “”

but you never know :grin:

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Hello my friends, I hope you are well. I ask you this just to learn something more from you.
but how can you distinguish between the quotes “?” because I really try to look at them and I enlarge them on the screen and I see them well. I can’t distinguish the good and the bad.

You know what I did, do you remember when I just started the topic of server configuration, you showed me what the CFG configuration and command order was like and you took the trouble to make the CFG file and what I did was copy and paste from this page, so could it be that that was the error? Do you remember that you helped me with a message script and I also did the same thing, copy and paste and it didn’t work the first time and you detected that the quotes were the problem

as long as you copy and paste from the code box you will be fine.



without a codebox:


The following image shows the result from copy and paste from both

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Now it’s super clear to me. It’s just that when they explain it to you with apples and pears, you have to be very basic to not understand. hahaha.
Yes, in fact, those commands that were giving me that error, I added them again and took the precaution of replacing all the “quotes” and the error is no longer there. so thanks for all the help

can you give me the link to download? what’s the differences between this one mp_favela_ow and mp_favela by miregrobar?
